April 2023

HNAP PHP script #

Saturday, April 8, 2023 at 12:11 PM

I recently made a webpage that lists every device connected to our six Wi-Fi routers.

I worked for two days on the PHP script that extracts the list from the first router (the others where much easier).


Download the base.xml and soap.php files and edit the password and IP address in soap.php.

I use it like this :

$names = $ips = array();
$one24 = $one5 = $one5g = $onelan = array();
foreach (soap('GetClientInfo')->ClientInfoLists->ClientInfo as $client) {
	$mac = strtoupper($client->MacAddress);
	if ($ip = $client->IPv4Address)
		$ips[$mac] = $ip;
	if ($name = $client->DeviceName and $name != '*')
		$names[$mac] = $name;
	$key = '';
	if ($client->Type == 'WiFi_2.4G')
		$key = '24';
	if ($client->Type == 'WiFi_5G')
		$key = '5';
	if ($client->Type == 'WiFi_5G_Guest')
		$key = '5g';
	if ($client->Type == 'LAN')
		$key = 'lan';
	if (!$key)
	${'one' . $key}[$mac] = array($mac, null, null);


No more HTTPS #

Monday, April 10, 2023 at 11:55 AM

Yesterday, I disabled HTTPS for www.philippe97.ca.

That simplified my main apache configuration file a lot (000-default.conf).

I also simplified my other configuration files.

I also changed how I supported HTTPS on my other subdomains.

I used to use separate folders and Alias rules to redirect the /.well-known/ URL to another folder (/var/www/wellssl...).

I now put the .well-known folder in the document root (/var/www/subdomains/*/.well-known/).

I also made sure that the /.well-known/ is not redirected to the HTTPS version of the domain.
