Philippe's Blog

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All is well #

Friday, July 26, 2024 at 4:55 PM

We're building a new house and we're going to need a well.

Unfortunately, our neighbour drilled 300 feet and did not find water. (He had problems with his existing well and wanted a new one)

This is not good news for us.

There is an old unused well on our property. It was last used 40 years ago by the campgrounds that used to be there.

So today, me and my dad measured the water level in that old well.

We found water at 15 feet and the bottom at 79 feet. That's a 64 feet column of water.

To find the water level, we lowered a water bottle with a little bit of water in it.

To find the bottom of the well, we lowered some bolts.

The next step is to put a pump in the well and see how much water the well can provide.

If the well still works, it will save us some money. (We won't have to pay for a new well)


New cable #

Sunday, July 21, 2024 at 9:49 AM

Yesterday, me and my dad fished a new Cat6e cable to replace the old Cat5e that we were having trouble with.

Previously, we tried multiple times to repair the old cable by adding keystone jacks and little patch cables. We were trying to avoid having to crawl over the soffit.

The whole cable tested ok with my cable tester, but it could not hold a gigabit connection.

The light would be green, but would turn orange after some time. (meaning the speed was lowered to 100 Mb/s)

So yesterday, I thought "fuck it" and took the time to crawl over the soffit. (pictured below)

It only took me five minutes to go from my bedroom at one end of the house to my dad's bedroom at the other end and then back.

It took us three hours to do the rest of the job.

It was totally worth it :)

We finally have a good cable (and the light stays green).

The cable is 82 feet long.


On or Off #

Thursday, July 18, 2024 at 4:35 PM

I'm rewatching Gold Rush Season 14.

I've just seen something I have not yet seen (or I guess I have and just forgot).

The guy pressed the Off button and the light came on.

I suspect the scene was shown in reverse :

The light was on, they pressed Off and the light came off.

Then, they reversed the footage.

I have not taken note of which episode that was from.


Internalizing #

Monday, July 15, 2024 at 7:58 PM

Every once in a while, I think.

I create new thoughts. Learn things by myself. Arrive at conclusions. Change my way of thinking.

I don't write about it all. I only put a small amount on this blog.

But over time, I notice that the reasons behind those conclusions have been forgotten. They become part of me and I take them for granted.

This bothers me.


Teleporting/copying : bandwidth and atoms #

Monday, July 15, 2024 at 7:52 PM

Our bodies have an awful lot of atoms.

Questions :

- How would you separate the skin from the air, since the two are intertwined ?

- How would you digitize the position of those atoms ?

- How long it would take to send the informations about all those atoms through a fiberoptic cable, one atom at a time ?

- Where are you going to find the atoms to create the copy ?

- How are you going to put those atoms together ?

- What do you do with the original body when the copy is made ? Destroy it ?

It's much more efficient to take a car or plane.


Teleporting or time-travelling watch #

Monday, July 15, 2024 at 7:37 PM

How would the watch know where is the separation between our skin and the air ?

The skin and air are mixed together. Matter goes in and out. "In" and "out" no longer make sense.


Changing future #

Monday, July 15, 2024 at 6:42 PM

I'm watching Doctor Who episode "The Pyramid at the End of the World".

The Monks are able to see into the future.

What does not make sense is that that future changes while events are happening in the present.

At first, everyone is going to die.

Then, the Doctor starts the timer on the bomb. This causes the doomsday clock to go backwards and nobody is going to die.

The, he can't enter the combination on the door's lock. Now everyone is going to die again. (with a different everyone)

You're supposed to have only one future. One that is the final result of everything that has been done before, even the "future watching".

Also, the future they see would be the result of seeing it. A nice little loop.


Rock, paper, scissors #

Sunday, July 7, 2024 at 2:04 PM

For each, you win with one and lose with the other.

Rock : win with scissors and lose with paper

Paper : win with rock and lose with scissors

Scissors : win with paper and lose with rock

It's all balanced.


Antique phone #

Saturday, July 6, 2024 at 10:22 AM

Yesterday, I made a webpage about my new antique phone.


Lowering the bitrate #

Sunday, June 30, 2024 at 10:41 AM

Here is the part of my bash script that resizes the video.

$src is original big file
$dst is the new small file

It makes them 640 pixels wide.

IFS=x read width height rate < <(ffprobe -v error -select_streams v -show_entries stream=width,height,r_frame_rate -of csv=p=0:s=x "$src") width2=640 ((height2 = height * width2 / width)) ((height2 += height2 % 2)) if [ "$rate" = "60/1" ] then rate="30" fi ffmpeg -i "$src" -b:v 300k -b:a 80k -r "$rate" -filter:v scale="$width2:$height2" "$dst"
